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By Joseph E. "Duke" Miller

GENRE: Other

Rowdy Smith, an irreverent second-rate lawyer, and Samantha Blizzard, a classy go-getter Assistant D.A., are forced to work together when a case they're supposed to be on opposite sides, turns out to be rife with corrupt public officials and mobsters. The danger in the case creates an unforeseen intimacy between them.


1999- Rowdy Smith, 8 and an orphan, is fighting and scaring off

potential parents. Twenty years later, Rowdy’s a lawyer in a cheap suit

provoking a mistrial in a packed courtroom. Samantha “Sam” Blizzard, a

no nonsense ADA, is incensed by his tactics and asks Judge Adams to hold

Rowdy in contempt.

Rowdy didn’t go to law school, rather he apprenticed under Marmaduke

Snowden, a less than reputable attorney. Adams sides with Rowdy and

declares a mistrial.

Entering his office, with cash payment in hand, Rowdy hears an

argument between his mentor and Sam's boyfriend, Jason. Jason leaves.

Rowdy gives Snowden, the cash. Snowden stows the money in the safe and

shows Rowdy a small thumb drive, calling it “honesty insurance” and

hides it in his desk.

Later, Rowdy is pushing for a mistrial for Ray Fractus, a hairball

trying to pass for human. Furious, Sam promises to have Rowdy arrested.

At lunch, Rowdy asks Snowden if there isn’t a better way to get their

client’s off. But, Snowden, dismisses the question as irrelevant.

In court, Sam and Rowdy go head to head. Rowdy returns to his office to

find Snowden dead, safe open and money gone. He checks for the thumb

drive. It’s gone.

The murder garners a mistrial. Rowdy’s jailed on suspicion of murder. In

jail, Rowdy meets an old black inmate who’s been lost in the system

for thirty years. Sam, meets with Rowdy and they strike a deal. She'll

look into Ollie’s situation and Rowdy will give her inside information

on Merrimack. She requests change of venue. The DA, Mark McNeal,

berates Sam over her request because a change in venue would reflect

poorly on Adams. Sam continues the investigation in secret and gets

Ollie released. "Iron Pipe" Wells, an inmate approaches Rowdy and wants

him to help other inmates. Rowdy agrees and turns to Sam for help. She

reveals that the DA is going to prosecute him for Snowden’s murder.

Rowdy tells her about the argument between Jason and Snowden.

Sam, having second thoughts about her boss, her boyfriend and the

justice system arranges for Rowdy’s release and gets him assigned to the

public defenders office.

Sam plants a hidden camera in her apartment to test Jason. The hidden

camera catches Jason photographing her Merrimack documents. Sam realizes

that McNeal, Adams and Jason are involved in something nefarious.

At trial, Rowdy uses information provided by Sam, to free a client.

McNeal berates Sam for “screwing the team out of a conviction” she hints

that she has evidence linking Jason, Adams and Merrimack Industries to

Snowden's murder and offers to resign. Instead, McNeal fires her. Adams

orders McNeal “to get rid of” Rowdy and Sam.

But, Rowdy and Sam, growing closer in mind and spirit, agree that Rowdy

should take the case McNeal has filed against Sam. Rowdy calls a hacker

in order to find out who stole the files but they have to enter the

building where Sam worked. They recover the thumb drive but are

interrupted by Adams, McNeal, Jason and a couple of Mafiosi. Sam passes

the drive to Danny who secrets it under his collar. Rowdy and Sam

escape into the hands of the police and the story breaks.

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