James Sullivan's Lounge Discussions

Needing Advice

Hey guys! I hope you all are having a decent day thus far. I on the other hand am having a bit of a dilemma. You see, I have this romance story idea that I want to start out in book form first, but for some reason it seems easier to start out writing the story in the screenplay format first. What would you do??

Tiffany Hilliard

I love everyone's response.

Dann Maxxx, I would love to be making money from both, but I totally get what you're saying.

Kristin Holloway

Yes, I agree with everyone here with their comments. Screenwriting does come way easier for me when I'm laying out my story. I would so whatever feels right. I also would recommend checking out this a...

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Tiffany Hilliard

@Kristin Holloway, thank you.

Steven Hopstaken

Screenplays make great book outlines. I'm turning one of my scripts into a novel right now and have already sold it to a publisher. Michael Crichton started all his novels out as screenplay's first.

Tiffany Hilliard

@Steven Hopstaken Cool, definitely considering this for future references.

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