A girl tells a friend all the things that Jesus is doing in her life, then gets the courage to go and tell her Grandpa about Jesus. Cast: Alicia McAllister, Coda Harkness, Monica Rodriguez, Gary Gray, Deloris Gowens, Dorsey "Woody" Holt Crew: Jeff Holt - Director Harrison Webster - DP Zac Johnson - Music / Score
A girl is assisted through a difficult time by an Angel, then realizes the Grace of God she was waiting for. Cast: Alicia McAllister, Coda Harkness, Monica Rodriguez, Gary Gray, Deloris Gowens, Dorsey "Woody" Holt Crew: Jeff Holt - Director Harrison Webster - DP Zac Johnson - Music / Score. All Because of You, by Gary Gray, Monica Rodreguez, and Josh Croskey.