Manny Mertis

Manny Mertis

New York City, New York

Member Since:
February 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Manny

Manny was born in Athens, Greece and moved to New Jersey at the young age of 2. His first passion (food) was obvious when he was about 7 years old helping his mother cook dinner almost every night. He discovered his new passion for the arts only a couple of years ago when he got out of the food business. "I FELL IN LOVE WITH ACTING AS SOON AS I STARTED CLASSES!" Manny continues studying at the Philadelphia Acting Studio. With his hard work ethic and determination (instilled by his parents) Manny has been able to land several leading roles in his short time as an actor. Recently noted for "Deadly Gamble" and "Occurrence" along with several other roles to his credit. He has also landed several leading and supporting roles on projects that have won awards as well. A lot of directors, producers and actors are shocked to learn that he has been only acting for 2 years with a lot of them saying "it seems as if you have been acting for at least 10 years"! In addition to his skills, Manny is fluent in Greek and knows a little bit of Spanish along with speaking in several accents as well such as Russian, Italian, Spanish, Southern, New York and many more. Although he may be "business as usual" a lot times because of his busy schedule, he's actually a kid at heart. Especially when he is with his sons Manny jr (MJ) and Stephen doing "boys will be boys" type of stuff cracking each other up.


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