Dale Richardson

Dale Richardson


Anderson, South Carolina

Member Since:
December 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Dale

Im an averageuy but I've herd that I look like actor Shia Lebeouf. execpt for the fact that I were glasses and he doesn't. But I wounder what he would think about it, not sure never met the guy, athough I would love too.
(Wow this is awesome I never knew about this site untill someone from Twitter told me about it. And it is the answer to my prayers what I have been looking for and hopes of possibbly maybe getting the help that I've been looking for. I've dreamed of being on TV as an actor and spokespereon ever since I was a little boy about 8 years old now 29 it's still the biggest dream and goal of my life. But my parents have never been able to help me out due to the fact that the've never had the finances to do so, and still don't. But now that im older I can work, but the probble is there's just no job out there. As for the ones that are they require experiance which I do not have. And I am unable to go back to school to get that experiance due to financlally probblems. The people I talk to at the places that are hirring I ask them why not hire me, and train me, they say well we don't want to or don't like to train. We want to just hire hire someone and put them right to work, to me thats not fair to the people who despertly need one and they say well why don't you go back to school to get the experiance then come back and we' put you to work. I've told them my family just doesn't have the finances to pay for me to go back to one of the local collages or tec schools, But there is a way I could possible go back with having to pay, and it's called the South Carolina Education Lottery. But that want work for me cause that usually only takes care of half of certain clasess with a certain amount of hours. For example my brother wanted to be a truck driver, so he signed up for that class which I believe was about a 2 week course which cost I believ about 4 grand and the lottery only paid for 2 which left him the other half to pay on and he's still paying it back. As for me the only thing I've ever wanted to do was what I've been trying now for years to do, and thats get into the busines of having a career in show business as either an extra, an actor and even a spokeperson and have been unsucessful. Now im too the point to where im lost, and just don't know what to do anymore. And just as many others out there who are struggle just to keep food on the table, my family is on the verg of lossing everything that we own and becomming (HOMELESS) due to the fact that we have nowhere that we can go whe the bank takes over and kicks us out. And also cause my parents don't have enough credit to even quallfy to even buy a carboard box. When I found out that my family ran out of money cause every single bit of my dads retirement money and 401k ran out due to the econamy in Dec of 10, I thought man it's all over for us now, cause the house was already a month behind we all got worried then my mom said for us to pray about it and put it in Gods hands that he'll take care of it and that things will work out the way there supose to. two months later in Feb of 11 my dad got a call from work saying that thet need someone for about 8 weeks, but the job only lasted 6, and so did the money and tax season of 11 didn't help either only enough to pay 2 months on the house to keep the house from going into 3 months behind. Since then I've promied myself and my family that I'll take care of us.So I started writing letters and emails to the most popular talk shows, news magazines, news papers etc: I even wrote a letter to the man who can usually get things done Mr.Donald Trump, Yet nothing from anyone, and I've probble sent out 2 or 3 letters and emails to everyone, I was and still am so despert that I even made a youtube video asking for help! Now I hope I've finally found a place where I could finually, if their's anybody out there to help me! Hopefully in are around my area or anywhere that can help me (I would greatly appreciate it you would be a life saver) cause im really really despert especially for my parents who are under a great deal of stress and depression not knowiing when, where or if we'll have food on the table or even a roof over our heads. I mean my family is part of the little people, the ones that don't matter, The ones that if you told someone higher up or even famous our names they would be like "Who" oh you mean the little people,oh well, Next.. Well anyway hope everyone had an awesome Christmas, are having a wounderful Holiday season, and will have an amazing New Years, Take care and I mean no offense by this but God Bless!! And i do still have copys of those leter and emails so if you want to read one just let me know and I'l copy and past it on here. oh and if you want my contact info let me know I'll email it to you on here. Btw im so very sorry for this being so long please forgive me, cause I just don't know what else to do)!!!!!

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