My latest full-length comedy play, THE FUN WAY, is good enough to be on Broadway. If they still did plays like that on Broadway. If it were to be produced on a big enough scale, the NY Times would write an article wondering if I'm "the new Neil Simon." They would talk about how even when Neil Simon was at his height of popularity, audiences and critics questioned whether or not his plays were relevant enough to society's real concerns. I'd be stoked though, as Neil Simon was the first playwright to ever inspire me to write plays.
I'm the writer, director and star of the feature films LAURA GETS A CAT and TWENTY MILLION PEOPLE, both independently produced by the team of Devin Sanchez, Chris Prine, and myself. Both films had what would be considered "no budget," but I like to refer to them as "used car budgets." Both films screened at the best independent film festivals in the country and beyond.
I've written, produced, and directed corporate videos for Sebastien Grey, Firework Creative Labs, FlyBy Media.
My web series, back when we were all doing web series: STOOP SALE, HARD TIMES.
I have written numerous plays, produced off-off-Broadway and at a handful of universities, including THE BLUE MARTINI, JERSEY SHORE HOUSE, SPRING AND JAKE, LIFE IS SHORT, and HOW BABIES ARE MADE.
My play for high school actors, DELAYED EXPOSITION is available through Eldridge Publishing.
I studied acting at The Barrow Group in New York City, improv comedy at i.O. in Chicago, and earned my BFA in Acting from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
I love soccer and wine.
Unique traits: Voted "Most Talented" in high school. Still got it.