Jack Waggon

Jack Waggon


Carson City, Nevada

Member Since:
April 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Jack

Jack Waggon writes material for, and appears as Marshal T.J. "Crazy Jack" Waggon with The Mayfield Gang, from May through October, at the Virginia & Truckee Railroad Depot, Carson City, Nevada; specialties include Old West dramatic and comedic performances and gunfights. Other regular engagements include The Genoa Cowboy Festival, the Nevada Day Parade and various Nevada festivals and celebrations. Past performances include Piper's Opera House, Virginia City, Nevada, and the Carson Valley Inn, Minden, Nevada. In May, 2014, Jack appeared in the local ABC production of "Virginia City, NV" and he is also pictured in the April, 2014, edition of Sunset Magazine (p.66-67). In July, 2014, Jack joined the cast of the Virginia City Outlaws for their daily Wild West live outdoor theater shows, in Virginia City, Nevada.

Marshal "Crazy Jack" Waggon is available individually, or along with The Mayfield Gang, for professional photo sessions/commercial photography, local business promotions, film extras/background, as well as lively Old West entertainment for parties, special events and weddings.

Jack Waggon is available for casting as a non-western character or extra (biker, hippie...).

Unique traits: Very long hair, tattoos, rides motorcycles; Defensive Tactics and Knife Defense Instructor; Law School graduate; former Law Enforcement Officer.




  • Virginia City Outlaws

    Virginia City Outlaws (2014)
    Theater by Tombstone Gunfighters, LLC Ensemble cast member

  • "Virginia City, NV"

    "Virginia City, NV" (2014)
    Television by KOLO, Ch. 8; ABC, Reno, NV Senator William Stewart

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