When a young outcast unexpectedly gets an interview for a sought-after position, he must endure a long wait in a room where the test truly begins. Genre: Sci...
Bearing an uncanny resemblance to the mistress of a London-based Chinese Triad boss, an ordinary waitress is trained by the MI5 to infiltrate the gang and br...
Genre: Supernatural Thriller A gifted art intern is forced by a desperate necromancer seeking after a cure for her sonâs deadly disease to restore a 16th cen...
Genre: Family, Comedy, Animation. When a kid becomes a trendy designer overnight, she must learn to navigate through the cut-throat world of fashion with onl...
Get to know the writer: https://fantasyscififestival.com/2018/05/14/sci-fi-best-scene-reading-of... Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure T...
Written by Richard Rodgers in 1962 for the musical No Strings.
Another song in my repertoire. Originally a duet with the composer Michel Legrand and Nana Mouskouri in 1965
One of my favorite songs in my repertoire. Written by Henri Salvador & Bernard Dimey in 1962.