Danisha Bethune

Danisha Bethune


Tampa, Florida

Member Since:
April 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Danisha


My name is Danisha and I am a screenwriter. I am originally from Anchorage, Alaska and currently live in Tampa, FL. I come from a creative family with singers, writers and actors.

My favorite genres are science fiction and action films, but I can write for any genre. In regards to comedy, I am in the vein of Will Ferrell madness. I began writing stories at age nine and have been writing and working on my craft ever since. I am currently working with a producer on writing projects and would like to branch out and work for other directors, producers and studios as well.

I can already tell this site has a lot of networking opportunities and projects and I look forward to making connections and learning from my fellow creative people on this site!

Danisha Bethune

Unique traits: Funny, pensive and organized



  • Scary Tales

    Scary Tales (2014)
    Internet by Screen Scope Pictures Screenwriter

  • Oracle

    Oracle (2014)
    Television by Screen Scope Pictures Screenwriter

  • Dikembe

    Dikembe (2011)
    Film by Screen Scope Pictures Screenwriter


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