Embracing both the spirit of the Starfish and the Unicorn, Paul Mathew Giret is able to create MORE of the things you rarely see. Please allow me to explain. You see, on the one hand, the Starfish has been proclaimed the universal symbol for MORE (by Paul, of course) because it needs nothing MORE than itself to procreate. That is to say, the only element it needs to make MORE of itself is, well, MORE of itself. Therefore, the Starfish not only symbolizes MORE, the Starfish is MORE. On the other hand, the Unicorn, known by most but seen by few, is not scary like the sasquatch. However, the experience of seeing the Unicorn has been compared by some to intravenous Dimethyltryptamine usage. This is the very same experience Paul seeks to create every time he approaches an artistic endeavor. Founder of the San Diego Student Film Festival, Director of Photography, Film Editor, Animator, Event Coordinator, Film Producer, Writer, and Activist, Paul Em, with the combined help of the Starfish and the Unicorn (a marvel he fondly refers to as the “Starfish Unicorn Experience”), has left a colossal torrent of eclectic work in his wake over the past decade. And he has no plans of stopping. FilmforFood.TV
Unique traits: unstoppable
Just Fine
Film (short)
by SDCC Film Society
420 Honeys Game Show
by US Weed Channel
Bike Chick
Film (short)
by SDCC Film Society
San Diego IndieFest 8
by sandiegoindiefest.com
Film Festival Director
The Virtual
Film (short)
by Reznu Films
La Migra
by Angelic Pictures
Assistant Editor
Mail Order Luck
Film (short)
by SDCC Film Society
Valentines Victim
Film (short)
by SDCC Film Society
Point of Infection
Film (short)
by SDCC Film Society
Alien Invaders
Film (short)
by Real Good Films
Best Director of a Documentary 2014 San Diego Film Awards
Best Short Film 2012 UCSD Film Festival
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