Dear friends, aquaintances and not-yet-aquaintances ;-)
my name is Sahar.
I´m an actress, voice actress and presenter living in Germany and I would love to work abroad and gather experience in other languages.
As a freelancer I work in theater, film and tv projects. I also work on small projects such as comedy videos, and stand-up comedy.
Currently I do my own writing, acting and production of sketches, as I have few volunteers to support me.
My focus :
doing sketches in English. Thatfore I´m in search of topics and jokes in the English language, that I can act.
Can you help me with this ??? I mean, do you have texts, jokes without copyrights, or ideas?
If YOU are INTERESSTED in a cooperation or just would like to support me, then feel free to contact me :-) I would very much appreciate your help. Of course I´m interested in participating in any projects you may be working on AND I am willing to travel. If the project and costs allow, even in to the U.S. !
I have expiriences in all occupational fields and would send you my curriculum vitae.
You can find me also here: fb, twitter, google +
Best regard, Sahar :)
GERMAN links:
hier spiele ich mit : - Impro-Acts aller Art - Mordart à la carte!
Unique traits: Oh, I dont really like to answer this kind of questions but I try it here. - humanity, philanthropy, benevolence ! - on impulse - versatile
Fachhochschulreife, Albert Einstein Gymnasium
Theaterausbildung, Consol Theater, Gelsenkirchen
Institut für Sport- und Fitnesstraining, IST Düsseldorf
Schauspielweiterbildung, André Dinter, Die HottenLotten im Thealozzi Theater Bochum