Ultimate Reality Action ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Thriller A man, suffering from hypersomnia, discovers a new reality lies beneath his dreams. The more he lives in the new one, the more he dies in the old one.
Bad Sector Fantasy ⋄ Horror ⋄ Thriller By discovering death comes with time travel, a group of scientists encounter the frightening pasts of human kind.
The Gecko Crime ⋄ Drama ⋄ Horror ⋄ Thriller A killer, becoming a different person in every morning, gets reformed by love with the cost of revealing the true appearance.
Not Responding Action ⋄ Sci-fi When human kind discovers the truth of nature, the world collapses. Not all survivors will escape the Earth.
Reinstall Action ⋄ Adventure ⋄ Sci-fi After the apocalypse in "Not Responding", the survivors head for a journey of finding a new home.
Diagnose Action ⋄ Adventure ⋄ Sci-fi Hundred thousands of years after the "Not Responding" survivors found the new home, their children travel beyond universe to find out what destroyed the planet Earth.
Reset Action ⋄ Adventure ⋄ Sci-fi Earth is not dead.
The Fifth Action ⋄ Adventure ⋄ Fantasy Tired of the rule of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, a young warrior takes a trip to the Sky to fight for the fifth season.