Born in lower SoCal, crawled around the US a few years following my itinerant farm working Stepparents.
When I graduated H/S early, my guardians suggested joining the USN to see the world, it sounded like fun.
I complied. But all I saw were a few brown, green, and cold places, mostly it was just wet, deep and a pretty blue color.
I was volunteered, to learn how to work on Jets, non conventional mad boom things, and " Training Films ".
This was all before pocket computers were invented, so I had to go to the nearest Library which at the time happened
to be the U of C at Berkeley, and search through thin slices of pressed wood for up to date information. In researching
the history, theory, and best practices of analog image capture, I discovered a lifelong predilection for the Fine Arts.
I have acquired many skills, and am forever grateful for the opportunities and mentorship encountered along the way.
Yes, that is Michael Weston's 73 Charger, we were working on Michael Bay's underrated southern got
Unique traits: Certified Underwater Harmonica Band Leader Simultaneously able to juggle a career, bowling balls, a bar of Ivory soap, and one pissed off wet cat. Sometimes.