Danny Desireé's Lounge Discussions

Danny Desireé
Danny Desireé

Hello everyone! It’s not about me, it’s about someone who’s taking care of nearly 200 homeless dogs and built up a shelter a big one and keep taking care of all the dogs and you can’t find anything ab...

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Danny Desireé
Screenwriter is needed !

Young and talented screenwriter is needed to work on a new short from England , no budget yet for this short . Thank you!

Danny Desireé

if its easy for you to move your creative mind outside the solar system then age is not important anymore , sometimes you lose age the same way as everybody here lose weight , move with the speed of l...

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D Marcus

I agree; age isn't important. You specifically asked for someone "young". What is the age range you will consider?

Danny Desireé


D Marcus

I figured. I missed the cut off. Can't write with you.

Amate Brian

I have another that can do.


while writing a script, when you don't know details about the particular profession and your script have a character with that profession; how to get the information; apart from internet? especially when you don't have people network it becomes difficult to approach someone personally and request them for the info.

David Brown

I do it the old fashioned way and get books from the library or, if I can't find any there, buy them.

Kevin Kent

I call it Google, you maybhave heard of it.

Heather Tearne

Blimey, Kevin, not sure if you meant it to but that came over as a bit curt! :-s

Shrirang Nargund

thank you friends for great discussion! many a times we take a character that seems common and familiar and while writing we think that I know this profession well, e.g. police officer, lawyer, doctor...

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Danny Desireé

Enjoy the Network & don't forget to LIKE Yuri's F.B page ...Yuri is my newest project . have a good day .. Danny https://www.facebook.com/pages/YURI/214715905318795...

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Danny Desireé
Synopsis of Yuri !!!

Synopsis: Yuri 22-year-old cadet with a unique childhood background which full of joy and powerful games comparing to any comparative boys, a kid who's challenging death, a boy who's playing as a jumper out of a fast moving train, a student who's able answer the most mysterious question , and a horr...

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David Lempert

Thank you, Danny. I will review it. ~ David

Danny Desireé
Danny Desiree .

I'm a science-fiction writer who's living in Egypt . I want to help turning this world to be something close to perfection . that's why I had the power to do some extraordinary acts before . the list isn't available for public discussions yet . Now I start feeling that there is a very organized act...

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Danny Desireé
Wish if you enjoy my newst designs...

http://youtu.be/IXsYeAbCcRk . hope if you watch my youtube channel..need more viewers..thank you...its about a very nice design to a big and famous square (Tahrir square) hope if you enjoy it ! also hope to bring us some viewers..its part of a contest and other designers having their own designs and...

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Danny Desireé
Support our Design!

hey friend ! I hope if you can Support our Design by watching it http://youtu.be/RjN5xofeN74 This is our Extraordinary Design " The Wonder of Wonders" Enjoy it,,, Danny Khalil

Wenda Zonnefeld

Ok, my Deutsche is rusty. This is not impossible. ::) Please forgive me for asking, -What is it? (a catapult?)

Bobby Tamayo

thanks for adding me in your network.

Danny Desireé
Hello my Creative Network! All…

Hello my Creative Network! All Creative Minds are welcome to read my latest screenplay's outline! GHOST ONE . my intellectual property is protected so amuse your self by reading something New..when we produce it we are doin this for ordinary people and not for you:) Danny khalil

Kris Schrock

You have my attention.

Danny Desireé

Thats good to know:)

W. Paul Hughes
Hello Danny. Thanks for the re…

Hello Danny. Thanks for the request; my honor Sir. If you need a really bad "dude" for a role, I'm your guy:) The best to you in 2012. Please stay in touch. Peace! Paul,

Danny Desireé

you are very welcome Sir.Hughes .there is a noble mission written on your profile. God Bless

My project folder is growing.…

My project folder is growing. The word is starting to migrate across barriers and I hear a slight buzz. This is all good. Now to just keep pushing through to the end.

Jasmine McAtee

Keep going, keep going, keep going!

Danny Desireé

thats good. :)

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