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When a timid office worker breaks up with her abusive boyfriend and moves in with her boisterous lesbian co-worker, she faces life-changing choices when a strong romantic attraction develops.
Joan, a timid data-entry clerk, begins a temp job at a large office, and quickly befriends her boisterous cubicle buddy Ricky. When Ricky breaks up with her girlfriend via blue tooth, she is coerced into a girls' night out with another co-worker and begs Joan to tag along.
At the bar, a buzzed Joan and Ricky discuss Joan's rocky relationship with her abusive boyfriend Steve. While on the dance floor, Ricky seizes the opportunity and kisses Joan. Although she rejects Ricky's advances, Joan suppresses a romantic attraction that emerges after the kiss.
After confronting Joan about her night out with Ricky, a jealous Steve suspects there is something else going on between them and throws Joan out of their apartment.
With nowhere to go, Joan shows up at Ricky's apartment and accepts Ricky's offer to move in.
Can Joan keep her feelings for Ricky a secret, or will they become too overpowering to contain?
Can Ricky maintain a monogamous relationship, or is she destined to be alone?
Can a remorseful Steve find the help he needs in his Asshole Anonymous group, and win back Joan?