Writing has always been and will always be a comfort blanket for Adam D. Moore. It's where he escapes to when reality kicks him in the teeth and it's where he vacations when everything is coming up gold.
His love of writing started early but it wasn't until his days spent at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh when he realized knack for making people care about imaginary things. He wrote a screenplay that was supposed to be used by him and his friends. However, time being what it was, nothing was ever produced. Everyone that read the script, from friends to strangers, imagined a film like they'd never seen and they told him they'd see the final film if he ever got it made because he'd accomplished something unique.
Little successes are a curse to the writer. On the one hand, "Yay! Success! I can do this!" but on the other, the writer is given too much hope to quit and too little to live on.
What's a writer to do? Adam sought out a small indie company to bounce his ideas off of. After landing his first official writing gig at MaddyGTV and nailing the 90 pages they needed in under two weeks for There's Something About Jenny 2, he was offered a chance to write a screenplay for Blood of Ohma at GMD that another writer had fumbled on. He turned in a finished piece in two days, saving the production company from having to push back production dates and the money that would've come from such a move.
Soon he was being asked, "What kind of original ideas do you have?" and he went to work writing everything from feature length screenplays to web series. Some stories fit one medium better than others and Adam understood that a good writer wasn't stuck with one audience. Horror, sci-fi, comedy, drama- a good script could be a combination of any two or more.
An idea had come up about a serial killer that was luring out another killer for a battle royale that would leave a small town devastated. Wisp went into production as a web series that focused on damaged people coping with a world that didn't play by rules. The first series garnered attention for its abrupt sense of reality. Heroes are sometimes more flawed than the villains they hunt because villains can be free to be who they are whereas heroes have to suppress those darker notions.
The lack of a second series didn't slow Adam down. Instead he refocused on something that was both unique and easily recognizable... the anthology series. Shattered & Scattered planned on telling the stories of people living through the end times. Each entry a new protagonist was faced with a new horror. What made this series unique was that there was a bigger mythos being built behind the subplots of the individual episodes. Production on the pilot is slated to begin in late August.
Meanwhile, screenplays are piling up. Ideas are getting worked into feature length scripts to make room for more ideas. He's in the midst of writing his second novel and always looking for a place to sell his short fiction. For a writer like A. D. Moore, there's no rest. Not when there's so many stories to tell.
Unique traits: Adam likes to focus on making characters realistic even if they aren't always likable. There's a balance there that can be walked. Most of the time, you're seeing Adam's characters on their worst days, which means that sometimes that drop the facade of good for the face of the real.
by GMD Films
Writer/ Co-Creator
Blood of Ohma
by GMD Films
The Art Institute of Pittsburgh