Film Editor and Videographer
Experienced Film Editor and Videographer with a passion for storytelling and a strong track record in crafting compelling narratives.
Freelance Video Producer/Editor | Self-employed
April 2017 - Present
Expert in video editing using Final Cut Pro.
Skilled in storytelling and conveying emotions through visuals.
Strong emphasis on quality assurance and meeting deadlines.
Effective client communication and collaboration.
Continuous learning to stay at the forefront of industry trends.
Film Editor | Dimlight pictures Ltd.
December 2016 - April 2017 (5 months)
Edited feature film "UNION LEADER" available on Amazon Prime.
Los Angeles City College
Cinema Production, Film and TV
2010 – 2011
Unique traits: About Me:
Union Leader
by Sanjay Patel
Editor Resigned to his fate as a worker in a notoriously shoddy chemical plant, Jay realizes that he must not only find a way to support his family, but also overcome grave social and legal injustice in the system.
If You Love Your Children
(Short and Drama)
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director A young man loses everything but finds himself, when his fight against climate change consumes his life.
2018 Nominee Rosie Best Editor for Union Leader
Los Angeles City College