Carl Megill began writing comedy sketches, while working as a deejay at a New Jersey radio station. He soon learned the craft of writing sitcoms and wrote over twenty spec scripts for shows like, “Frasier,” “Golden Girls,” and “Everybody Loves Raymond.” He won a national television script writing competition and a playwriting competition for his three-act play, “You’re Never Too Old,” which was produced on stage to favorable reviews. During this time, he started writing a humor column, “The Mind of Megill.” It ran for over ten years in print and on the internet. For one season, he wrote for the Seattle-based sketch comedy television show, “The Night Shift.” As a performer, Megill wrote and emceed (as Bob Hope) “Hollywood Canteen,” a USO type variety show. He continues to write sitcom pilots, screenplays and short stories from his home in Florida and enjoys referring to himself in the third person.