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By Kimberly Kaplan

GENRE: Animation
LOGLINE: A large bird who can no longer fly walks into a doomed town of humans, and along with some new animal friends, can only save the town from the evil witch by flying.


Young Max eats in a field, but his wing is broken. A Farmer mends it, but poorly. Max is left unable to fly and he loses his flock. A year later, Max is with a new flock. He is not treated well and still cannot fly. Max decides to leave this flock, in search of a new one, one where he feels he belongs. Max meets a Sorcerer who is trapped inside a tree. The Sorcerer tells Max his tale: The town of Troubadour was taken over by an evil witch, Marissa. She turned most of the humans into weeds, turned the King and Queen into bizarre statues, and turned their son, The Happy Prince, into a statue of lead. She also put the King’s Court under a spell and banished them with Gwen, the Prince’s love, on a black ship lost on a rough sea. Finally, the witch trapped the Sorcerer inside the tree, powerless. The Sorcerer asks Max to go into Troubadour to retrieve the blue spectral jewel that is on the statue of the Happy Prince. He explains that the spectral jewel is a powerful jewel that could help him free the town and defeat the witch. Max agrees. He goes to Troubadour and locates the statue of The Happy Prince, but it has no spectral jewel, only gold and other jewels. The statue cries on Max and he is suddenly able to talk to the real prince trapped inside. They become friends and Max sets out to try to find the spectral jewel inside the town. Per the Prince’s request, he takes with him three pieces of the gold that the witch put on the statue. The Prince would like Max to give out the gold to any humans he may find alive, especially his old seamstress and her son. Along the way, Max meets three other animals—Mr. Mouse, a friendly town mouse who is addicted to sugar, Cora Brown, a smart squirrel who has to find a way to forgive herself for her brother’s death, and Pinky, a gregarious small dog, a former castle guard dog, who never learned proper castle training, but has it in his heart somewhere. Max and the animals accidentally figure out how to restore the humans. They're happy and restore many until Marissa finds out and retakes her town. Max is distraught and decides to leave. He changes his mind after Marissa’s pet bird, Chuck, tells him his friends are in danger. He is reunited with his love interest, Leanne, who returns to help him. Max decides to return to Troubadour. With the Sorcerer’s input, they decide to split up—Leanne stays with the Sorcerer, Cora Brown and Pinky go to the castle to try and steal some of Marissa’s hair (which the Sorcerer said is needed in order to restore him to full power), and Max and Mr. Mouse go to the docks to try to find out the location of the black ship with sails (that has the spectral jewel). Leanne fends off the three thieves who try to chop down the tree (the Sorcerer). Cora Brown and Pinky get the hair from Marissa and restore the Sorcerer. And, Max and Mr. Mouse board a ship to try to get information about the lost black ship, but Max ends up saving Mr. Mouse and himself the only way he can—he flies. He gets stronger and more confident and eventually locates the lost black ship. On the ship, he has to convince Gwen, the Prince’s love (she has the spectral jewel), that he’s there to help. He succeeds and finds a way to get both the spectral jewel and Gwen off of the ship (with the help of four pelicans). Finally, back in Troubadour, the Sorcerer, Gwen, and the animals face the witch in the castle. The battle goes badly for them, until Max does the unthinkable, he grabs the spectral jewel and faces the witch head-on. He uses the spectral jewel to defeat the witch. With the Sorcerer’s help, the town is restored and Max is a new person (bird). He has a new girlfriend (Leanne), a new flock (the town of Troubadour), and he believes in himself.


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