Member Since:
June 2014
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Kimberly

"Don't Fall Asleep" and "Safeword," released features. "Autism and Cake," short film starring Ed Asner available on Autism Speaks website

Unique traits: Female characters, character driven, period, animation, relationships, autism-related




  • Black Friday

    Black Friday Comedy Drama Romance An unlikely pair of mystery shoppers assigned to the same megastore must compete against each other on Black Friday.

  • Warsaw

    Warsaw Drama A Jewish woman in the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII smuggles out Jewish children and, after confronting a young mother who refuses to part with her son, kidnaps the child and smuggles him out.

  • Warsaw

    Warsaw Drama Historical A Jewish woman smuggles children while locked inside a WWII ghetto and when she runs into a resistant mother, she kidnaps the child.

  • Lily

    Lily Drama Romance When mid-20’s Lily meets early 50's Marisa their attraction for one another and their love is tested by several caveats of society; age differences, relationships between a lifer (gold star) and a late in lifer, class distinctions, and their own family acceptances.

  • Max and The Happy Prince

    Max and The Happy Prince Animation A large bird who can no longer fly walks into a doomed town of humans, and along with some new animal friends, can only save the town from the evil witch by flying.


  • Autism and Cake

    Autism and Cake (2012)
    Film (short) by Tracy Wren Productions Screenwriter/Producer

  • Safeword

    Safeword (2010)
    Film by Chris Soth Directing Screenwriter

  • Don't Fall Asleep

    Don't Fall Asleep (2009)
    Film by Chris Soth Producing Screenwriter


  • Scriptapalooza - Runner up finalist.

  • Peachtree Village International - Finalist

  • Circus Road Films - Semi Finalist

  • Page Screenwriting Competition - Quarterfinalist


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