Mysterious mercenary Jack Maverick (Emiliano Ruschel) arrives in the small town of Passo Fundo, Brazil, after accepting a lucrative contract to investigate a series of suicides. As Jack mingles with the locals, his investigation takes him to a bar, where singer Natasha, pill popper Olivia (Larissa Vereza) and drug dealer Zonta might prove to be the key to unraveling the mystery. During his investigation, Jack realizes that the suicides have a dangerous new drug in common, and finds out that...
Synopsis Brazil, 1932. Domingos (Emiliano Ruschel) an impetuous Italian colonialist living In a nation undergoing a revolution to free itself from dictatorsh...
The actor Emiliano Ruschel is from Brazil, currently living in Los Angeles, he also speaks Spanish and is studying French and German. He has worked on several Movies, TV Series and Theater productions, such as “Lovely Psycho” and “More vs. Slum” also appears in Multishow, produced by Carlos Diegues the Cannes nomination. Emiliano also worked in the Tv Series "Without Control", directed and edited by Daniel Rezende, OSCAR nominee for best editing for "Tree Of Life". In...