I am an aspiring Writer/Director hoping to at least make some cool indie movies. My two favorite films of all time are Fight Club and Dredd. I love playing video games and watching movies because I am a nerd and I have no life.
I love everything about filmmaking. Even the biggest pain in my ass known as editing... Don't know why but I hate editing with a passion, but unfortunately I am really good at it.
I would say that my main strengths are horror, action, and comedy when it comes to filmmaking.
Right now, I am working on a short film. I am a little chubby right now, but its for my role in my film. I am somewhat of a method actor. If I wanted to, I would go full on Christian Bale when it comes to the method acting. I am crazy enough to do so!
I already lost more then 100 pounds to get to where I am now.... damn I was a fat ass, but those days are over! Thats how committed I am to my role... Wish I was a better actor though. I am told I am good, but I know I can do better. I am still fairly new to acting, so I'm sure I will learn and become better over time.
Unique traits: I have a strange since of humor. Known to be a badass. Maybe its becous of all the cartoons from the 30's-70's I'v been watching my whole life, but I have good comedic timing. Oh yeah, and nerd shit.
Riddle High School