Dan Alexandrescu

Dan Alexandrescu

STAGE Studio stage-studio.ro
Cinematographer, Colorist, Dialogue Editor, Director of Photography, Field Recordist, Motion Graphic Design, Photographer (Still), Post-Production Coordinator, Post-Production Supervisor, Producer, Researcher, Sound Designer, Sound Editor, Sound Mixer, Voice Designer and Other

Constanţa, Romania

Member Since:
January 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Dan

In the last 15 years i have offered dedicated postproduction services for film and Tv, Sound design for bigscreen movies, ADR rec/edit/mix, Foley rec/edit/mix, location sound, dialogue editing, electronic custom Fx, Radio and Tv imaging packages, digital and analog mastering, audio reastauration and forensic audio services with advanced psychoacoustic and phase manipulation techniques, VoiceOver database with over 100VO, Also i have experience with location sound coincidental techniques (XY, M-S and ORTF), tube interference and parabolic microphones. Spectral sculpting, editing and analyzing techniques, logistics for acoustic space clonning with digital convolution reverbs with acoustic impulse response (AIR), acoustic modeler and acoustic mirroring. Postproduction, music technology and location sound workflow advisor.

Some of the equipment brands i use: SummitAudio, Avalon Design, Focusrite, TC Electronic, Neumann, Brauner, AKG, Digitech, Event, Alesis, Sanken, Sennheiser, Countryman, Schoeps, Pulltec

Some of the clients are: Discovery Europe, PlayProduction, EdisonPOST Hungary, GarazFilm Poland, BayerDesign Germany, GeniusFilm, Fornetti Romania, Recolamp, Direct Aero Services, Ovidius University, Kreativ Studio Bulgaria, SISTEM unconventional percussion band in Romania.

Software experience:
High level training: Steinberg Nuendo, Digidesign ProTools, Adobe Audition, Steinberg Wavelab, Izotope RX Advanced, DC Live Six, NI Reaktor, NI Kontakt, Sony Vegas, EAW Smaart, Odeon, SigView, Spectrogram, SpectrumLab.

Medium to high level training: Macromedia Fireworks, Final Cut Pro, Apple Color, Hypersnap Render, Adobe Photoshop, IStop Motion Pro.

Medium level training: Adobe Premiere, Apple Motion, Cinema 4D, SketchUP Pro, CorelDRAW 12.

Note: Knowing video editing, color grading and web design is not only a hobby but makes a plus on audiopost projects.

Special skills with:
Sound design,
Audio forensics,
Acoustic Impulse Response acquisition and management,
Digital Convolution,
Vocoders and sound morph,
Advanced audio editing techniques (both hertzian and spectral graph. rep),
Location sound,
Music technology,
Microphone placement techniques,
Over 7 years experience in research field with ultrasound, binaural beat frequency, directional sound beamforming, psychoacoustics and VSA (voice stress analysis) projects.



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