Member Since:
January 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Boris




  • What dog dreams

    What dog dreams (2012)
    Film (short) by Studio 5 production Director,editing,color correction

  • Felicio

    Felicio (2012)
    Film (short) by Studio 5 production director, editor, colorist, screenwriter

  • The man who sold the planet 2

    The man who sold the planet 2 (2011)
    Film (short) by Studio 5 / Nikola Budanović Producer

  • For whom the bell tolls

    For whom the bell tolls (2011)
    Film (short) by Nikola Budanović Camera, editing

  • Answer

    Answer (2010)
    Film (short) Director, editing, camera, story

  • The man who sold the planet

    The man who sold the planet (2010)
    Film (short) by Nikola Budanović camera, editing, prodicer

  • Jagoda

    Jagoda (2009)
    Documentary by Danijela Janković editing

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