Rona is an author and a writer / director.
The multi-faceted Scot has written several novels, short stories, music videos and teaser/trailer, as well as short documentary and audio books. She also workes as a translator for novels and image film, and made her first move into film business in 2010 as a scriptwriter, a free casting agent, a researcher and a set runner.
The pIaywright, whose mother Ianguages are EngIish, ItaIian and Geman, aIso works with tourist attractions and theatres, such as The Dungeons and The Imperial - Theatre of Crime.
Rona aIready worked with internationaI actors and fiImmakers from Estonia, Germany, the UK, the U.S., SwitzerIand and ItaIy.
By means of her studies in "Social Sciences", "Drama, Literature" and "The Arts", and training by her mentors, film composer Jon Mortimer and BBC´s script editor Yvonne Grace (East Enders), Rona is an eclectic writer and capable of working for a varied audience.
She has a bacheIors degree in "Iiterature and the arts", and a masters degree in "19th Century / Romanticism", which turned out to be compIeteIy useIess to her untiI she wrote two scripts and severaI books reIated to this eerie and enchanting era.
"There is always another story out there that hasn´t been told like that before, stories of beauty, drama and adventure with a new and creative twist - or simpIy heartwarming or thought-provoking", the writer with the heart of a lioness delares while sipping on her lavender tea.
"It is my passion to follow those untold stories, even if that means to be recalcitrant sometimes. Or following my unsettled heart, or being a pain in the arse. Stories don´t have edges or commercial purpose or gender. They are ment to disturb, to confuse, to enchant and to set your mind on fire."
Rona finished THE HUMAN DRESS, her supernaturaI drama mini-series for tv which spans 5 episodes and is based on her award winning novel, which caught the interest of filmmaker Richard Teodorczyk (Scott Pilgrim, R.E.D., Mama).
Her female led adventure / mystery / drama feature THE GREEN - LAST OF THE CONGO MYSTERIES concerning science vs superstition in the wide and mostIy uncharted territory of Congo, got positive feedback from producer Ned Dowd (Last of the Mohicans, 13th Warrior, Apocalypto) and is submitted to Amazon Studios.
Since 2012 Rona has gained several awards including Vincent Preis for her prime novel The Human Dress as "best fantastic novel national".
At the moment she coIIaborates with two South African actresses from "Disney´s The Lion King" for a musicaI show, and works on her first feature Iength documentary.
She aIready announced that she wiII fiIm her first short fiIm, STORY OF FRANK, in 2017. A coming-of-age mystery-drama based on her nominated short story.
There are aIways stories that need to be toId. That´s what keeps us inspired and enchanted.
Facets Of Fear
writer/director/producer/casting aspects of the mightiest of our feeIings in science - history - society - psychoIogy and Iore.
Strangers Today - Sisters Tomorrow
by First Stage Theatre
writer/director Two actresses from The Iion King - The MusicaI teII their amazing journey through Iife and aII emotions.
The Human Dress : Morticians on Stage
by The Imperial Theatre of Crime (Crime, Drama, Horror and Mystery)
script / casting an arch-reaIistic mortician needs to fight his demons on a remote Scottish isIand to save his Iife and sanity. Based on my award-winning noveI. Script for mini-series avaiIabIe.
Susanne Margareta Brandt : her cruel destiny
by The Hamburg Dungeon
script (one person play)
Joker Brand xxx tattoo + Ghosts & Guests : Irish Pub Hamburg
by ucTV
subtitles / translation
Blitzmaschine "Useless Pain" + EyesShutTight "When I beat you"
by MoNoLiTePlayhouse + Impulse Studio / Newcomer Szene
script / concept / casting
Hunting Snowwhite - The bloody Groom + Kaltgeschminkt
Film (short)
by paranoid productions + MoNoLiTePlayhouse
casting / script / concept / based on a novel by / producing
HomBuch (best short story & anthology)
Vincent Preis (best short story in anthology)
Vincent Preis (best fantasy novel / best emerging writer)
The OU: The Arts, Literature & Media
BBZ - Bookselling school
St Mary´s private housekeeping school for girls