Jerry Catalano

Jerry Catalano

Catalano, Caboor & Co.

Lombard, Illinois

Member Since:
September 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jerry

If you or anyone you know films in Illinois and needs any assistance with Illinois Film Production Tax Credits, Film Accounting, Live Theater Tax Credits or other entertainment related accounting, please feel free to contact me.

My accounting firm is 1 of only 8 listed on the Illinois Film Office website that specializes in completing Illinois Film Tax Credits and Illinois Live Theater Credits.

I also specialize in helping sports and entertainment industry professionals with entertainment industry tax, royalty, and accounting issues. I provide entertainers an independent outlet to help manage or review finances. The difference between me and other professionals in the industry is that I do not share in a percentage of your entertainment revenues. This independence provides an additional trusted outlet to assess financial decisions. My entertainment niche provides the knowledge to manage financial needs and bring professional resources to the table for each growth phase.

My clients range from individuals who are part-time entertainers to seasoned industry professionals who have carved out successful careers. I provide for ALL entertainers from: Athletes, authors, Musicians, Film & Television, Event Planners, Producers, Dancers, screenwriters, Directors, Actors, Radio Personalities, and more! The needs of our clients vary from tax return preparation and consulting to audit work related to their expenses and income.

I also specialize in Adoption Tax Credit, Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit, military accounting and IL EDGE Tax Credit.

I am also known as The Music CPA and specialize in Music and Entertainment Industry related accounting. For more details, see my The Music CPA website.

Other industries I specialize in are: Transportation, The Construction Industry, Ongoing Technology Operations and Start-ups, Printing, Manufacturer Representatives, Advertising, Plastics, The Automotive Industry, Medical Services, Broadcast Media, and more!

My websites and social media:

Catalano, Caboor & Company Website:

The Music CPA Website:

My LinkedIn: ?id=15290229&trk=tab_pro

Catalano, Caboor & Company Linkedin : ?trk=tyah

The Music CPA Linkedin Group: ?gid=4695431&mostPopular=&trk=tyah

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Follow The Music CPA on Google +: +Themusiccpa/about

Follow Catalano, Caboor & Company on Google +: +CatalanoCaboorCoLombard/about

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I also know a Tax Credit Broker, Television Producer, Post Audio Studio, Captions Company and some Entertainment Attorneys that I highly recommend.

I hope the remainder of this year is prosperous for you!


Jerry Catalano
Catalano, Caboor & Co.
Have Our CPA Handle Your Accounting Needs Today!


The Music CPA
♫ We Hear Music in the Numbers! ♫

(630) 261-0550

Unique traits: My accounting firm Catalano, Caboor & Company is 1 of only 8 listed on the Illinois Film Office website for specializing in completing Illinois Film Production Tax Credits and Illinois Live Theater Tax Credits.





  • My firm Catalano Caboor & Company is 1 of only 8 listed on the Illinois Film Office website specializing in Illinois Film Tax Credit services.


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