Rosie Washington: Actor, dancer and host/presenter in Tampa, Florida.

Rosie Washington

Today was my birthday! and after my party I met with Charles Double-Day and I got the role in his film!

Ellen M. Schnur

NEW LOCATION! NEW LOCATION! PALAZZO CLEARWATER, 22 N. FT. HARRISON AVE, CLEARWATER The Florida Film Network has partnered with the Palazzo Clearwater. Please join us on Tuesday, November 18th for our next general meeting. It is Election night and we will also be showing movies. Networking 7-730pm an...

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Rosie Washington

3 hours of theater rehearsal today! done, now its time to hit those school books!

Rosie Washington

Could you guys support me by rating my Crash The super Bowl video here

Rosie Washington

Day One on Set "Contracted"

Here is some behind the scenes of Day One on Set of my new film "Contracted"

Rosie Washington


Hi guys its Rosie and here is some behind scene photos from my latest film "Flash of The Camera". We wrapped last Sunday!

My new film "Contracted"

Rosie Washington

Long day on set! Added a behind scenes photo! 2 more days of filming.

Rosie Washington

Up early getting ready to go to set! we start filming today! yea!!!!!!!

Rosie Washington

I have just been cast as a Zombie child in a film !!!

Behind the scenes of "Flash of The Camera"

I Love art!

I have been cast in the film "Alabama"

Rosie Washington

Just wrapped last week on "Flash of The Camera" and "Abel's faith"

Rosie Washington

Oct 17th Filming starts for my new film! we are doing the wedding scene first.

Hair washed ! Cut! and blowout! what do you think?

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Jared Sandman
Tammy Gross
Joe E. Ironstand
Stefanie Davis
Luke Sokolewicz
CJ Walley
Beezhan Tulu
Maverick Smith
Ellen M. Schnur
Caitlin Elizabeth
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