John E Seymore's Reel

John E Seymore Dramatic Reel 2015

John E Seymore 424-653-6963 Dramatic Reel featuring scenes from: 2 Grand Are You Mr. Lonelee...

The Alibi Boys, Episode 9: "Liar, Liar Pants on Fire"

The Alibi Boy's scheme has started to unravel and now they are back at the Toblerone Mansion to answer questions about their previous alibi. www.thealibiboys...

The Alibi Boys, Season 1, Ep 8: "The Psychic with Seven Balls"

The Alibi Boys go to Jack's psychic Aunt Griselda to try and find a solution for the mess they are in. Jack gets a call from Sebastian and Liar finally chang...

The Alibi Boys, Season 1, Ep. 7: "It Ain't Easy Being Mr. Green"

The Alibi Boys meet Mr. Green, Hetty's long lost father and quickly learn that they only just beginning to understand just how deep a mess they have gotten i...

The Alibi Boys, Episode 6: Creative Maneuverin'

The Alibi Boys escape the Russian mob and decide to grab a quick drink. We learn a little about Liar's dubious family. And then the Russians turn up again! w...

The Alibi Boys Web Series Ep 5: "Ivan and His Ho, or Natasha and…

The Alibi Boys, through a slight misunderstanding, find out they have accidentally crossed the Russian mob by trying to drowned Natasha. But to their surpris...

The Alibi Boys Web Series, EP 4: "No Talking Heads"

The Boys meet the Toblerone Family and try to sell them cement. Directed by: John E Seymore Starring: Tony Longo, S...

The Alibi Boys We Series Ep 3: "The Mumbling Sheet"

The Boys head off to try to sell their alibi, little do they know who they are meeting, or who is really under the sheet. www.seymorefil...

The Alibi Boys Web Series, Ep 2: "Sebastian Down the Hatch"

Sebastian explains his dilemma and asks the Alibi Boys for help. Natasha is introduced and an alibi is hatched! Dir...

The Alibi Boys Web Series, Ep. 1: Boys Will Be...Idiots

Sebastian Douglass III runs into trouble a the local Gentlemen's Club and seeks out The Alibi Boys for help. Direct...

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