Soffía Kristín Jónsdóttir

Soffía Kristín Jónsdóttir

Manager and Producer

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
November 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Soffía

Soffia Kristin Jonsdottir is an aspiring entertainment industry professional based in Los Angeles, California.

Soffia was born and raised in a very small town in her home country Iceland. Coming from such a small place in a small country led her to be hungry for adventures and desire to explore the world. At an early age Soffia moved to the capital of Iceland; Reykavík, where she got her primary and high school/college education.

​She was raised in a very musically oriented family where everyone either plays instruments or sings and actively participates in the Icelandic music scene. Because of many of the musical talents she grew up with she started to develop her passion for entertainment and its business around the age of 13. Since then she has been on a mission to build her reputation within the Music and Entertainment Industry and with her 10 years of experience in entertainment she has already made a name for herself internationally as an established business woman.

At the age of 16, she decided to study Business Administration at the Commercial College of Iceland and during her studies she related as many projects as she could to the Music and its business. Today, she has also graduated with her Bachelor´s degree in Music Business.



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