Laughing in the Dark; screen grab from the test shoot for the feature film Noir. for more information please contact.
Laughing in the Dark; screen grab from the test shoot for the feature film Noir. for more information please contact.
Americana 2023, screen grab from short film Directed and produced by Leon R Hogg
Americana 2023, screen grab from short film Directed and produced by Leon R Hogg
Americana 2023, screen grab from short film Directed and produced by Leon R Hogg
on location during Stuntman fire suit certification
Americana 2023, screen grab from short film Directed and produced by Leon R Hogg
cover sheet to Documentary set in lynwood California, "A fighter's Mentality" is a story about a MArtial Arts instructor who operates a private fight club in Los Angeles and the journey that lead him here and how they made it through Covid.
Our virtual production sound stages are outfitted with Unilumin LED walls. contact me to set up your studio tour and schedule your production.
On location our Operator controls the scissor crane for an outdoor music video.
On set of a in studio Narrative production. a quick view from our Arri mini LF view finders
Between takes in studio our Steadicam operator and 1st AC prepare for their next sequence
Located on Stage 2 we have traditional filmmaking resources and Virtual production services. our techs and crew members utilize our sponsored robot for an upcoming event.
B2B expo @ 2023 LDI our Director of Photography handles a Arri for VIrtual production examples.
A normal day in the Shop. here we are on stage 1 providing an equipment walk through.
On location with talent as our Scissor Crane flies our Arri mini in close for those crucial inserts.