Four average citizens have been selected by the newly elected tech-genius President of the United States to participate in a game that will determine the pol...
2:00 Demo Reel
A micro short for men of God on the ropes of life and wanting to get back into the fight and become champions like they were meant to be. Directed and Produc...
Primary actor and V/O actor throughout commercial! A local Virginia company dedicated to quality and comfort. 3310 Noble Pond Way, Woodbridge Va 22193
Scenes from Ghost Me, REM, Thick Skin Series Ep4, Onlookers and REUNION.
Reunion stars Michael J. Patterson and was written and directed by R. Cadell Cook, II.
From the films: The Rangers: The Courier, Cognitive Dissonance and Major Players Michael J. Patterson's IMDB - For booking: sh...
From films: Love Different, Anacostia, Major Players, Greed and Spider-Man Lives: A Miles Morales Story. Michael's IMDB -
A story about the sicilian Mafia dealing heroin in Baltiomore City