I've had quite the varied life. Attending several courses in film theory and stagecraft at University of Wisconsin, I moved to CA for more diverse and exciting courses. I finally received an MFA in Theater at California State focusing on Costume Design and Make-up FX. I moved to Vegas (BABY!) and worked for Cirque du Soleil and Blue Man Group. After 6 years of corporate life, I eventually started making a switch into creating my own business as a wellness coach as the overuse injuries affected my life negatively. I needed to heal badly and wanted to help others overcome the same things I was dealing with. I became a fitness instructor for Bollywood dance, studied Yoga, Indian Classical Dance and Martial Arts, Ayurveda as well as just becoming a Reiki Master in September 2016. Traveling to Indian every year gave me some great opportunities to share a new culture and natural methods of healing. I have been creating mediation and travel pillows since 2009 and hope to help performers and technicians heal from the stresses they deal with daily.
A short move to Savannah, GA started me in the Paranormal Field as an Investigator/Ghost Tour guide which I continued when we moved back to L.A. I conduct walking tours and Pub Crawls in Hollywood. I love to talk history, tell scary stories and show hidden places for a unique experience and fun time! I recently started designing unique custom Dog Costumes as I love pets and seeing them dressed up, too! I hope you visit my websites and find something interesting for you or your pups life!
Unique traits: Paranormal Investigator! Makes custom Steampunk, Goth & Rocker Dog Costumes!
Project Yellow Light-Afterlife
A Bird's Fortune
Film (short)
Film (short)
Cirque Du Soleil-Mystere
by Cirque du Soleil
Escape in Time
by Just Add Water
Costume Design
Blue Man Group
by Blue Man Group
California State University-Humboldt