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By Caledonia Hanson

GENRE: Comedy

After being unexpectedly killed by his cat, Tuna; a man's afterlife is tested when he's left to haunt his apartment and three misfit orphans move in.


When Cornelius “Jonesy” Jones meets an electrifying end at the paws of his cat, Tuna; he expected to find himself either in paradise or perhaps reincarnated. But when he wakes up in the midst of his apartment being cleaned out after his death, he’s left with more questions than answers.

His trials and tribulations begin when three orphaned siblings move in. Believing he needs to pass a test to move on, his first tactic is to scare the siblings but hilariously fails. However, as he learns about the siblings, he gleans the truth of their unfortunate circumstances and decides that if he truly is stuck to haunt his apartment for all eternity, the least he can do is help them move on if he can’t move on himself.

Nathaniel Baker

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Angela Cristantello

This is SUCH a fun concept, oh my goodness!

I don't think that you need the cat's name in the logline (even though it's a great name), and I would love to know something more specific beyond this man's afterlife being "tested". "Tested" how? Spelling this out that much more for us will give us a greater idea of what's at stake in the piece, and that information is going to help hook us in.

Super super fun stiff, though!

Nate Rymer

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