Richard Woodie Mister

Richard Woodie Mister

Atlantica Group Inc.
Screenwriter and Actor

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Member Since:
February 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Richard

My name is, Richard 'Woodie' Mister, and I have over 25 years experience as a decorated combat veteran Navy SEAL. I have operated at all levels within the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, as well as on nearly every continent, either as a SEAL operator, intelligence operative, paid mercenary or an Executive for the largest private military contractor in the world. Now retired, I am focused on writing about the intensity of my action-filled life and how I managed to survive it. My intent is to genuinely share both the insights and the intense emotions that course through you during these experiences, and attempt to capture them through my writing .

I have been providing entertainment consulting since 2001 and currently writing scripts/spec scripts for feature films, television productions or video games. I have provided lead acting on television, military technical advising, production development assistance, actor training, motion-capture performances, creative directing & promotions for live action events, feature films, TV & video games.

A few examples of projects I have worked on include: Lead Actor - TV (BBC Two - SPECIAL FORCES: ULTIMATE HELL WEEK; Episode 1), Spec scripts for film and TV shows (FIASCO©, The Paleo Man©, IMPOSTURE©), Live-action MMA promotions/production (ULTIMATUM Fights), video game development, (SWAT 4, SWAT Urban Justice, TOM CLANCY'S SPLINTER CELL - DOUBLE AGENT & CHAOS THEORY by Ubisoft, ARMY OF TWO by EA). I have provided several promotional interviews (i.e., New York Times, Rolling Stone, Gamespot) and an exclusive for Ubisoft’s worldwide distribution of “Splinter Cell-Double Agent” Limited Edition.

Unique traits: Technical Advisor





    FIASCO Action Drama Thriller True events inspire the harrowing story about lives of Navy SEALs in vicious combat. The team departs home on a routine mission, when it quickly turns from ordinary to atrocity. Having stumbled upon a dangerous secret, Jack and his men prepare for the fight of their lives. Only their courage and sacrifice can get them through the savage mêlée that ensues, leaving the men battered, bloody and alone. They now fight on for a new objective. Revenge

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