Alex Fradkin

Alex Fradkin

Actor, Director, Screenwriter, Voice Artist and Comedian

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
February 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Alex

I have the compulsion to tell the truth at the expense of my own emotional and financial well being.

I am a staunch contrarian. Always the devil's advocate.

Entropy guides the universe - from atoms to neurons to tumors.

The mango is a pompous fruit.

Heroes include John Casavettes, Rainer Fassbinder, Eric Rohmer, Goddard, Fellini. Out of the writers, Bukowski, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Hamsun, Fante, Celine, Nabokov, Lermontov, Burroughs, Karouac, Miller, and Etgar Kerret.





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