Mary Albanese

Mary Albanese


London, England

Member Since:
February 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Mary

I used to be a geological mapper in Alaska back in the 1970s - 1980s. I wrote a book about those epxeriences that has gotten a lot of good press. I talk about my twelve years as an arctic mapper on the speaking curcuit. It's a real life story with wide audience appeal. You can google MIDNIGHT SUN, ARCTIC MOON: MAPPING THE WILD HEART OF ALASKA or check out my web sites below.

After leaving the far north, I discovered the joys of writing. For me it was like another Alaska, where through my stories I could do or be anythiing. I like each writing project to be completely different from the last one and have won a steady stream of awards (nothing earth-shattering yet) in a varity of genres, from comedy, thriller, horror, to inspirational.

I love film and tv. Film feeds our hopes and dreams while tv comes right into your home, like an old family friend, weaving its stories into our lives. I don't think tv gets the respect it deserves as a cultural touchstone.

I also write for a police psychic (Loraine Rees). Talk about "exploring new territory" this woman is scary amazing. Time after time I have seen her meet someone and start telling them their personal history because she is "talking" with their crossed over relatives. She is the real life kid from Sixth Sense all grown up

Check out my websites below where you can see my current projects and what I've been up to lately.


Unique traits: Crazy skill -- I can hypnotize a chicken. Really!



  • See my list of awards at:

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