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By Eric Stalnaker

GENRE: Action
LOGLINE: A government assassin assigned to eliminate terrorist threats kills a US Senator then races to find out why before he too becomes a target.


Just after 9/11, the government initiated the Dept of Homeland Security. Their obvious responsibility was to make this country safer. Change of IDs, passport laws, things like that. Most notably, they made going to an airport dreadful. But what you don't know, what we had no clue about, was another way DHS made our country safer - track & eliminate threats within the US. And so, the Phantom Group was created. Led by Andre Killington, these Phantoms eliminated threats to the government and the American people. Gradually over the years, the threats expanded beyond terrorists, to anyone posing a threat to the US; militia leaders, aggressive activists, arms dealers, and even mafia bosses. Each Phantom has their own unique way of eliminating threats. For Jake Carver, it's a crossbow, which he uses with surgical precision on his target, David Wesley, who recently smuggled in 3 known terrorists. Only problem, Wesley is actually a US Senator who recently found out about the secretive Phantom Group. Carver is now thrusted into a hunt for not only why and how he was set up, but more importantly who. All while other Phantoms are hunting him. Crossbow is a completed Action/Adventure script related to the Bourne series, but set here in the United States. It contains minimal CGI, bringing back the old school action film. I originally developed this story prior to 9/11, but made changes to adapt to the newer times.


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