Elizabeth Kirwin

Elizabeth Kirwin

Author, Content Creator, Field Recordist and Press Agent

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Member Since:
April 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Elizabeth

I love to watch and critique movies, but lately I am really getting into Amazon and Netflix. Both provide this exciting episodic dramas that explore subjects I am interested in intensely. This includes time travel, space travel and other civilizations and tales of real magic from across the earth. I write narratives and lately, many of my stories are episodic. I am interested in capturing, both in writing and film, conversations with language that is uniquely American in slang and dialect. I am interested in revealing the uncanniness and serendipity of a life fully lived, with an emphasis on colorful characters and natural settings. I believe rich stories with interesting characters and real dialogue are the winning formula for excellent movies. My interest in the American Gothic as a literary and artistic form is totally apparent in my work. Decay, death, degeneration of morals, economic collapse, lack of loyalty are all themes I tackle in my work. I take my cue from the American Gothic because it reflects the decay in the society in which we currently live. I also see a lot of optimism in the gothic form because the dark often leads to the light.

I am also writing about contemporary spiritualtiy. Topics include: goddess worship, crystal healing, out of body experiences and dream work. I come from an activist background and am integrating some things I have worked on in the past, such as the economic freedom of women and how changes the individual and societies.

Unique traits: Since it began 1 7years ago, FairiesInAmerica.com has been a multimedia site, featuring the faery way, or a deeper connection to nature and each other. It has garnered an audience in English Speaking Europe, Canada and Australia.




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