Member Since:
April 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Anahid

Born in Boston, currently residing in Los Angeles, I'm first generation Armenian. Trained in NYC with Richard Pinter privately and at The Neighborhood Playhouse School of Theatre and am a graduate of the Meisner Technique. I've performed on stages in New York City, San Diego and Los Angeles and starred in several indie films. I'm also an accomplished classical pianist and professionally trained in jazz, musical theatre and Armenian Folk dance. I've produced many plays and staged readings in LA, associated produced the off Broadway production of Beast on the Moon and am a producer of PSAs, corporate videos, visual content for the web.



  • No More Mr. Nice Guy

    No More Mr. Nice Guy (2015)
    Film by Tri Destined Films Anya

  • ADAA Berlin Worldwide Genocide Commemoration Reading

    ADAA Berlin Worldwide Genocide Commemoration Reading (2015)
    Theater by Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliance Actor

  • Betrayal

    Betrayal (2014)
    Film by T5 Media Group Diana

  • BIFF: Quick Responses to High Conflict People

    BIFF: Quick Responses to High Conflict People (2014)
    Commercial by High Conflict Institute Producer

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