I am rewriting my first feature script and need a good proofreading service to check the grammar. Any suggestions?
I am rewriting my first feature script and need a good proofreading service to check the grammar. Any suggestions?
I'm currently reworking my favorite scripts so they're more market ready before I pitch again. Tumbling around in the back of my mind, I want to figure out how to pitch an equity deal to a young actress even though I don't have any movies sold to a production company yet.
Interesting logline, I am one young actress and screenwriter searching for projects and collaborations. Have a nice day all!
Hi Billy! Based on what you're looking for, let me suggest you take a look at Stage 32's Industry Consulting Program (https://www.stage32.com/happy-writers/coverage/buy?id=6) It gives you an hour conv...
Expand commentHi Billy! Based on what you're looking for, let me suggest you take a look at Stage 32's Industry Consulting Program (https://www.stage32.com/happy-writers/coverage/buy?id=6) It gives you an hour conversation with an executive of your choice, and allows you to ask any and all questions you have about all aspects of the business (including pitching equity deals). Feel free to message me with any questions - I hope this helps you!
Thanks for the response Matthew but I think that I need to get the scripts market ready before bringing in an executive. If I happen to meet the actress at a convention, then I'll probably bring it up to her.
Is anybody interested in putting together our own small screenwriting critique and help group? Here's what I have in mind: A small group (4 or 5) serious aspiring writers willing to share with, and learn from each other by exchanging scenes & pages. We brainstorm our scenes/stories as a group to hel...
Expand postIs anybody interested in putting together our own small screenwriting critique and help group? Here's what I have in mind: A small group (4 or 5) serious aspiring writers willing to share with, and learn from each other by exchanging scenes & pages. We brainstorm our scenes/stories as a group to help each other to further develop our scripts and polish them into marketable condition. I'm willing to lead this group to begin with but let it evolve. To be successful there must some basic understanding: Any & all critique is of the writing only (no snarky people), we need to share willingly and freely (no paranoid people) and we work together for the benefit of each and all (egos checked at the door). Let's hear your comments.
@Dan - I'm interested, but like Owen said - I would rather eat beetroot and celery (which I don't like at all) than signing in to Facebook. But maybe I won't be accepted for my heritage, being a femal...
Expand comment@Dan - I'm interested, but like Owen said - I would rather eat beetroot and celery (which I don't like at all) than signing in to Facebook. But maybe I won't be accepted for my heritage, being a female, a German, green-eyed, Jewish, having small feet which don't speak English, living in the wrong street or what ever??? I mean the worst that could happen is that all fellow non-American screenwriters would improve their English. He he... oh... and by the way... I'm really already sorry NOW that I sometimes mix up the English they speak in England where the language comes from (and as it is taught in our schools in Europe) with the American version which actually is a mixture of all languages. With words like Gesundheit, Zeitgeist, Kindergarten, entrepreneur, laissez-faire, scène à faire, Leitkultur, savoîr faire, Brezel, Ansatz, Aufbau, Autobahn, Auto, Doppelganger, Gemutlichkeit - just to mention a few in 2 of so many languages.
Hello, Doug, I would be interested in joining as well.
Hello, Doug, am also interested in joining.
Cancelled for lack of interest.
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Easy with the soliciting within forum threads, folks. Just a friendly reminder. :) I hope you find an option that works best for you, Trifonovska.
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Bill, it sounds like fun, haha
If anyone needs an extra set of eyes on something, happy to help! https://www.fiverr.com/tinathescribe
Tina Scribe, as hinted to in my comment above, and just another friendly reminder... Soliciting within forums and threads is not appreciated here at S32. Craft and business forums are for topic discus...
Expand commentTina Scribe, as hinted to in my comment above, and just another friendly reminder... Soliciting within forums and threads is not appreciated here at S32. Craft and business forums are for topic discussion. If you'd like to promote your services please do so in "Your Stage" or on your profile page. Multiple, repeated, advertising-like posts (spam-like behavior) may be deleted. Thank you so much and best to you!
Beth, apologies... I'm new to S32 and found this to be a relevant place to share my experience.