BTS with gladys otero after her big bloody day on the set of Monsters in the Woods
BTS with Linda Bella (talent) Angela Ntagkinis (beauty makeup) and John Carter McGill (creature performer) on Monsters in the Woods
BTS making Dillon Francis into a goblin
bts for geisha zombie wit the lovely Chanel Marie Koi
improvised injured leg to the incredible Linda Bella on "Monsters in theWoods"
proof of concept test for "Deceitful" knife to the face gag
knife wound from "Deceitful" one of my first fx gigs done for a project that wasn't mine
decapitation gag from "Hitchhiker Massacrer" to the always lovely and incredibly talented Veronica LaVery. some times the old tricks are still the best
test makeup
from promotional footage for EAT: a zombie movie (pre production)
personal makeup
still from hitchhiker massacrer
still from the other side
bts makeup from short film (title unknown)
zombie from short film (title unknown)
canalized victem from Jetset short in post production
personal fx makeup
zombie child from short film (title unknown)
decapated head for Armenia, My Country, My Mother, My Love
personal creature makeup
from goblin market short