Leara Nicole Morris-Clark's Reel

Leara Morris-Clark Boy Voice Samples

This is a demo of boy voices that I have done.

Leara Morris-Clark Extended Character Demo Reel

This character demo reel was created to showcase my ability to do character voices and accents. There is a variety of accents, genders and character types included. Enjoy!

Leara Morris-Clark Telephony Demo Reel

This demo reel includes samples of phone messaging, greetings and IVR.

Leara Morris-Clark Narration Demo Reel

This is a demo reel created to demonstrate my narration abilities. It contains samples of short story readings, poetry, and video game character narration.

Leara Morris-Clark Explainers & Promos Demo Reel

This demo reel contains explainers and promos for products and businesses.

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