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By DC Copeland

GENRE: Thriller, Action

After her twin sister is murdered trying to save children from trafficking in an unnamed SE Asian country, the woman joins forces with a jaded expat to find and kill the killer. 


Rich, single, and self-absorbed, Huang Wu lives in Hong Kong where she operates a successful nightclub called "Sisters." She gets word that her twin sister Guiying-- who has been saving children from a life in the brothels of an unnamed SE Asian country-- has been murdered.

Huang arrives at an airport in that country to retrieve her body. Guiying's friend and protector Joe Bannister is waiting for her. He's an expat retired CIA (or M16) agent living out his days in a sleazy bar he owns. He takes a quick disliking of Huang, thinking her spoiled and entitled. Until he learns over drinks that Huang has been supporting the orphanage financially-- and that she proposes finding and killing Guiying's murderers. That's something Joe needed to hear because he had been planning to do the same thing-- partially in an effort to redeem himself for not being there to fight for Guiying's life. Plans are laid to infiltrate the sex trade. Joe tells her he thinks Prattana, Guiying's 12-year-old adopted daughter who once was a child prostitute, can identify Guiying's killers and convinces Huang to attend an embassy party that night because it will afford her a chance to make contact with people who can help her. At the party, Joe introduces Huang to Dennison, a Brit construction contractor working in the country. With the information gathered there, Huang visits a bordello-- rumored to specialize in children-- to ostensibly make a drug buy. She's led upstairs and meets the bordello's owner: Dennison. He orders his men to hold her down and shoots her up with heroin. Later, as the sun rises, police find Huang on a street, barely alive. Joe gets a call from a friendly detective and Joe picks her up and takes her back to his bar.

That night Joe's bar is attacked by Dennison's men because Huang, while in a drugged state, told Dennison everything-- including news that Prattana can identify the killers of her sister. Huang, left in a hotel room to recuperate, is guarded by BOB, Joe's bar manager. Unfortunately for Huang, he works for Dennison and plans to kill her. A bloody, to-the-death close-quarter fight ensues between Bob and Huang in the bathroom where she barely triumphs-- but not before Prattana is kidnapped.

Joe and Huang storm the bordello, killing and maiming guards as they close in on Dennison. Dennison orders his men to gather up his "property"-- the kids-- which are evidence against him. Two dump trucks filled with kids pull out of the compound. Dennison escapes in one of the trucks with Prattana in his hands. Joe and Huang hop on a dirt bike and give chase.

The bike catches up to the trucks as they race into a warehouse area where Dennison stores his company's construction equipment. A shoot-out ensues and Prattana manages to get away. Huang kills Dennison but Joe dies as well.

A year passes. Huang has continued her sister's work with the establishment of an orphanage in Guiying's name. Prattana is by her side, helping. But as child sex trade stats fade in and out over the closing images, it's revealed that Huang, acting alone and at night, is killing hundreds of men-- their bodies hidden in a wilderness ravine-- who traveled there to have sex with children.

Molly Peck

Hi DC, I'd consider rewording your logline to start with the inciting incident. For example, I'd suggest starting it off, "After her twin sister is murdered while trying to save children from trafficking..." Great concept, keep up the good work!

DC Copeland

Thank you, Molly. Great advice. Sometimes we've been in the forest for so long we forget to see the trees and need a different POV.

Nate Rymer

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