Mandip Kaur Sandher

Mandip Kaur Sandher

United Starminds International
Location Scout, Performance Coach, Story Analyst, Translator and Other

Guelph, Canada

Member Since:
February 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Mandip

A surprise invitation to Stage 32 is how I arrived here. I have realized that nothing in the Universe is an accident, but very subtle synchronicity unfolding at the right time pointing to the next "dot" in this beautifully designed fabric of the Universe.

Mandip mentors on Intuitive Energy Pattern Detection a.k.a. Dot Connecting the Signs! She empowers people to tap into the Universe to explore and discover life at a deeper level. Why? For Joy, Fresh Intuitive Creativity, Adventure, Abundance and Empowerment for all.

Dot connecting is about becoming "AWARE" of daily patterns in our lives. The chance meetings, the odd conversations with strangers are all orchestrated perfectly to guide each of us along this game of life. Yes just like the Adjustment Bureau movie but much more vibrant and exciting because YOU are the actor in this Universal Movie called United ONE.

Garnering her high security, marketing and advertising experiences she now forensically analyzes "intuitive energy patterns" revealed in various forms of media and communications and shares those "connections." Some read News of the World, Mandip reads News of the Universe and "reads between the lines" to decipher the multidimensional reality we all play in.

"The riddles and hints are given, and she sees them with her eyes" - Guru Granth Sahib - 217

If anyone is seeking a location for a movie in Haiti, I saw the most beautiful locations during the earth quake. Deep canyons, crisp blue lakes, beautiful mountain vistas would be an ideal location for an adventurous script!

My Haiti experience and WHY I would love to help scout out Haiti as a perfect location for a movie.



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