Healing: How many can say that in some kind of way, something or something has hurt you? Lost a parent? A special friend or relationship? Serious car accident? Something that you could not tell anybody else. You finally got away from that violent man. I know that I did.
When I was younger, i blamed God for a lot of things that happened to me; because I thought at that time that God was either mad at me or took his side.
30th Anniversary, my Minister of Music, supporter and choir director.
Choir I sing and play for for over six years.
Another band I play for.
Other people that brought art at the art show 2016.
2nd Wedding for family members that couldn't make the first one. A vacation for us as well.
Book that i put a couple of projects in.
One of the plans I played for.
This young lady and her mother got killed by a boy she was going out with.
Can even do special cards for any occasion.
Drawing for a lady that wanted of a picture of her son.
This young lady passed away, i prepared this for her family.
Inspiration coming from someone that have been through alot and writing was a source for releasing it at that time.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen Hebrews 11:1, this book is inspiration. AKIMALYAH Hallelujah I am Still Here, poetry book
aww little puppy
Art Show table close up
Harvest Season Set
Harvest Season, this is a set
Art Show 2016
Art Show 2016
I love animals.
My nephew marrying his wife that painting was my wedding gift to them.
1st painting sold at my art show in 2016
Table at Art Show 2016
my husband
babies are innocent
My husband
Alayah [rip]
differnt lil girl
he's the lily of the valley
my cousin Mylinda
my nephew Quincy
Dr. Martin Luther King
innocent little girl
My father may he rest in peace
1st Lady on her 49th birthday
loving lil babies and her coat
My nephewTweezy
My cousin Triniece
I'm a Survivor
Hallelujah I'm Still Here
My book Testimony
my husband and I
Lion's and Tigers oh my
butterflies and flowers