James C. Morris's Reel

The Last of the Jaredites: Coriantumr and Shiz - Short Film

We based this short on two figures from one of our favorite books. The iniquity of the people brought a curse upon the land - utterly destroying a once great nation. Two mighty kingdoms engaged in warfare. Led by Coriantumr and Shiz. Actor James C. Morris is the Narrator.

The Walking Dead + Dumb Ways to Die Parody - Music Video

Our Walking Dead + Dumb Ways to Die parody, The Walking Dumb You all asked for it, so we listened! We spoof 'Dumb Ways to Die', Walking Dead style and tell a cautionary tale from the Walker's point of view. Actor James C. Morris plays the Crossbow Zombie.


Curse of the Shadow follows Keltus, an agent of the Order (the ruling alliance between humans, elves and dwarves), on the trail of an operative of the enigmatic Shadow Cabal. Actor James C. Morris plays Gyarmuck / Maggot Gulbrow.

Saga The Shadow Cabal Trailer (2013)

The Shadow Cabal Trailer A high-impact Action Adventure in an epic fantasy world of elves, dwarves, orcs, mermaids, dragons, undead and magic "SAGA: The Shadow Cabal" stars Danielle Chuchran, Richard McWilliams, Paul D. and James Christian Morris.

Eleviv: Blindfolded Speed Chess - XanGo Commercial

http://www.eleviv.com - For the rest of us there's eleviv. XanGo proudly introduces eleviv for natural vigor, a term that describes a balanced state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Using a powerful patent-pending formula, the product provides sustained physical energy, mental acuity and emotional well-being. And the best part is that it does so naturally. Actor James C. Morris plays the Chess Master Host.

Moonchild - Short Film

A short film created for the 2012 Demon Chaser Film Challenge. A man becomes suspicious when a stranger attempts to contact the young child he is looking after. Winner: Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects. Actor James C. Morris plays The Moonchild.

There is Love Original Music Video

http://www.mymelba.com ... http://www.wesurbaniak.com - Music & Lyrics by Wes Urbaniak Directed by Josh Richardson Produced by Wes Urbaniak and Jon Wallace Director of Photography Andrew James

Muscle Hawk - "Electric Light" Music Video

Muscle Hawk's "Electric Light" music video. A young girl finds a portal in her brother's room... and discovers the party of the future. Actor James C. Morris plays Dr. Green the alien.

Myelin Resources - Allstar Commercial

For nearly two decades, we've delivered top talent so that leading companies can dominate their markets. That's what we do.. and we do it better than anyone else. Actor James C. Morris plays Joe Money.

National Lampoon's The Legend of Awesomest Maximus Trailer

EPIC? FAIL? YOU DECIDE. Coming this century is the story of the greatest warrior ever to don his feathered helmet. When the sexually ambiguous Trojan Prince Orlando tries to win his father's approval by bringing the luscious Ellen of Greece back home to Troy, the jilted King Erotic threatens revenge. Actor James C. Morris plays an Ephor opposite Actor Adam Devine.

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