Scriptwriter, working on a TV pilot set in a prestigious British boarding school. Playwright and graduate of UK Channel 4's prestigious 4Screenwriting programme. Based in Bath, UK. Always interested to hear about paid work!
Unique traits: "Incredibly open creatively....genuine confidence in and passionate care in her work" "Her writing is a joy to direct" "Refreshingly committed to working with professionals ...This sort of working-relationship is invaluable" "a wonderfully creative writer to work with" " a powerhouse of energy and creativity" "a professional, collaborative artist" - Views of some collaborators at
Final stages, Verity Bargate Award (Soho Theatre) - BOX
Screen Yorkshire’s Triangle: film talent development scheme
Quarter-finalist, Screenwriting Goldmine Awards (international) (Hard Men)
Shortlisted, BBC Frank Deasy Award (Hard Men)
Third round (top 8%) Verity Bargate Award (QM)
Channel 4 4Screenwriting scheme
Oxford University England