Joanna Gaskell of "Standard Action" web series gave an incredible,detailed talk on independent post production. Watch free for a limited time in replay
Joanna Gaskell of "Standard Action" web series gave an incredible,detailed talk on independent post production. Watch free for a limited time in replay
Aloha, Y'all! The 2nd annual Web TV Trailblazers 2014 Summit is coming to a close. Replays for this 10 day, 10 industry experts live streaming event, will be available for free only through this weekend (Mon. Oct. 20). Watch your favorite topics here: Today (Oct. 16th) -...
Expand postAloha, Y'all! The 2nd annual Web TV Trailblazers 2014 Summit is coming to a close. Replays for this 10 day, 10 industry experts live streaming event, will be available for free only through this weekend (Mon. Oct. 20). Watch your favorite topics here: Today (Oct. 16th) - Joey Rassool shares low budget cinematography tips to make your project look like millions. Tomorrow (Oct. 17th) - Ronnie Bincer, the Hangout Master, demonstrates how Google Hangouts and Hangouts on Air are indispensable production, casting and promotional tools. Thank you for watching! Please contact me if you'd like to be featured in our monthly Web TV Trailblazers: Meet the Mavericks series. ~ Rhonda Abrons Tell a Vision Studios
HALLOWEEN MANSION PARTY for the Film industry! Get Your tickets while they last it's going to be a blast!
Expand postHALLOWEEN MANSION PARTY for the Film industry! Get Your tickets while they last it's going to be a blast!
Day 8 of Web TV Trailblazers 2014 Summit, welcomes Randy Becker presenting on Web to Network - Connect with Entertainment Industry Elite Decision Makers. 12 pm PST/3 pm EST. Bring your questions, this...
Expand commentDay 8 of Web TV Trailblazers 2014 Summit, welcomes Randy Becker presenting on Web to Network - Connect with Entertainment Industry Elite Decision Makers. 12 pm PST/3 pm EST. Bring your questions, this is live!
Hello everyone! I’m currently going to school for film making and one of my favorite parts is lighting the films. So much so that I've decided to write my thesis on it, but I’m finding I don’t have enough experience yet. It involves all aspects of lights from electricity to lighting design so the to...
Expand postHello everyone! I’m currently going to school for film making and one of my favorite parts is lighting the films. So much so that I've decided to write my thesis on it, but I’m finding I don’t have enough experience yet. It involves all aspects of lights from electricity to lighting design so the topic is broad. Would anyone with more experience be able to answer some questions and talk about things that they don’t teach you in school? It would be a huge help if anyone is interested.
Here's some of the QA I have so far. 1. How do you put a gel in front of a very hot light? 2. If you want a scene to have a strong color, how can you light actors without drowning out that color? 3. W...
Expand commentHere's some of the QA I have so far. 1. How do you put a gel in front of a very hot light? 2. If you want a scene to have a strong color, how can you light actors without drowning out that color? 3. What are some ways to light an actor while leaving the set dark? Basically high contrast. 4. All the outlets we’ve used have been 15 amps 120 volts, what else should we be prepared or? 5. When working with fuses, are there any fail-safes to keep them from burning out? 6. If you want to have a lot of lights on a location shoot, how do you hide the in the wide shots? 7. Most of my outdoor shoots have used little to no lighting and it often doesn’t look good. What are some ways you light outdoors? 1. Wear gaffer's gloves 2. Using contrast ratio. You control intensity of the background and foreground by measuring the footcandles or f-stop 3. Exposed for the actor and lower the lighting on the set 4. watts divided by volts to make sure your lights do not exceed 5. same as 4. label each outlet by it's amperage. 6. you have to get creative with set pieces, ie placing a cupboard here and there to hid a light etc. 7. Depends if you're shooting night or day. During good daylight you wouldn't need much light but bounce and reflectors. During night you'll need a fast lens to get a enough light o the sensor of film
Wow, Matthew Fry, you can get all these questions answered if you can attend today's live interview with Joey Rassool an expert cinematographer. He's on Oct. 16 at noon PST. You can watch here live ht...
Expand commentWow, Matthew Fry, you can get all these questions answered if you can attend today's live interview with Joey Rassool an expert cinematographer. He's on Oct. 16 at noon PST. You can watch here live or catch the replay over the weekend. Good luck!
Where are you going to film school?!
Hello. Hope You are well. Glad we connected. '1921' is moving forward and we will soon be focusing on Actors and Production Crew members. To stay on top of thing, follow us or connect with us on Much Love and Respect Face
In about an hour, Joanna Gaskell and Rob Hunt of "Standard Action" Web Series will discuss how they crowdfunded $12, 000 in 3 days. A Google LIVE Hangout on Air, 2 pm CST today. Watch here:!summit-hangout/c24n4
Web TV Trailblazers "How to Create a Web Series for Branding, Fun & Profit" Watch LIVE here!!summit-hangout/c24n4 Today: Matthew Tibbenham & Sutton McKee - The Wrong Guys for the Job Topic: The Secrets of Distibution & Product Placement for...
Expand postWeb TV Trailblazers "How to Create a Web Series for Branding, Fun & Profit" Watch LIVE here!!summit-hangout/c24n4 Today: Matthew Tibbenham & Sutton McKee - The Wrong Guys for the Job Topic: The Secrets of Distibution & Product Placement for Web series Success Matthew Tibbenham and Sutton McKee will tell you how their interactive web series,The Wrong Guys for the Job, earned a viewership of about 80K per episode and the steps you can take to acheive the same or more. See You There! ~ Rhonda
Free Webinar series starts tonight. Learn to promote your projects like a ninja :) TODAY’S PRESENTER: James Wedmore WHEN: 5 pm PDT / 8 pm EDT Where:
I'm not an actor, but boy did I need this today. Wonderful!
Thank you to all who requested connections - I am honored :)
Hay girl, I love your smile. I'll be checking you out when I can afford to have my novel (Redbone) screenwritten to be adapted for the big screen. Seems that's the only way. Check it out on can read the first 16 pages free. It's many of the true tales of a relative who was a busines...
Expand postHay girl, I love your smile. I'll be checking you out when I can afford to have my novel (Redbone) screenwritten to be adapted for the big screen. Seems that's the only way. Check it out on can read the first 16 pages free. It's many of the true tales of a relative who was a businessman turned 'drug dealer.' Also check me out on facebook/barry.bryant.33 and my cattle ranch. Or, my trucking company at I plan to get Redbone done one way or another (lol).
Nice 2 meet u best wishes [sweeps globe @ ]
Thanks for the invite, Suzanne.
Your are welcome Rhonda.
Hi, Jeremy, thanks for the add!
Thank you, Rhonda. Please "LIKE" the Facebook page for my upcoming horror movie “Evil Alive.” Check out all the raffle items you could win when our fundraiser...
Expand commentThank you, Rhonda. Please "LIKE" the Facebook page for my upcoming horror movie “Evil Alive.” Check out all the raffle items you could win when our fundraiser kicks off on Sept. 26th.
Thanks for the add, Robert!
Thank you, Rhonda!
Hello, Amit!
Hey r u ?
Howdy, Tameka!
Hey Beautiful!!!
Thanks for inviting me, Kg!
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