If you want a voice-over for your businesses, church, TV and Radio programmmes, drama and other things, feel free to contact me on +2348062162220 or via email at mrbenisreal@gmail.com.
If you want a voice-over for your businesses, church, TV and Radio programmmes, drama and other things, feel free to contact me on +2348062162220 or via email at mrbenisreal@gmail.com.
As a voice-over artiste, i do voice-overs for Radio, TV, businesses, Christian organizations, businesses---individual and corporate and many more. Contact me via email mrbenisreal@gmail.com for more information.
This is one of my voice-over works. I do voice-overs for religious bodies, schools, advert commercials for radio and TV, businesses and other outfits at affordable prices, locally and internationally. For more information, contact me on +2348062162220 or via email at mrbenisreal@gmail.com. Thanks!
This is one of my voice-over works. I do voice-overs for religious bodies, schools, businesses and other outfits at affordable prices, locally and internationally. For more information, contact me on +2348062162220 or via email at mrbenisreal@gmail.com. Thanks!
It is a description of myself----the author, speaking and voice-over side of me. The Mr. Ben's voice----it's all about giving your enterprise a force.
I'm working on a proposed talk album, "Talking Thoughts". "Out of the Box", a poetic identity , is being designed to serve as a "welcome", ushering in issues related to relationships, politics, inspiration, economy, gender, economy, general knowledge, philosophy and so on. Seeking for funds to work on the rest of the tracks---recording them.This "Out of the Box" i showcase is actually the Demo Version. I intend working on the Performance Version of it---it's live recitation! For further...
"Out of the Box" is one out of the intended 13 tracks which is intended to act as a 'welcome note' to the listener to issues associated with politics, relationship, economy, philosophy, general knowledge and gender. Though this is a Demo Version, funding will enable me do the Performance version of it---- the live recitation of it!