Mark Anthony Tierno

Mark Anthony Tierno


Monrovia, California

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March 2012
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About Mark

Southern California native Mark Anthony Tierno is a full-time novelist since 1996 and ghostwriter since 2010, with 35 novels of his own, including the Maldene series which clocks in at 13 novels and 5.2 million words, and Cyberdawn which is a 1.3-million word 5-book series. He holds a Masters degree in Physics, which often plays well with his creation of other worlds, but crossed with a poetic soul and unique descriptive voice. The result in a penchant for alien vistas, deeply woven plots, and worlds where magic freely flows but still obeys its own consistent laws. A bit of a workaholic when it comes to his novels, putting in an 8-10 hour writing session is not at all uncommon.
I love crossing genres. For instance, Maldene starts off looking like high fantasy, but later in the series (Maldene II, now out in ebook under my own release) mixes in some Sci-Fi elements. Cyberdawn on the other hand is sort of the other way around along with a good dose of conspiracy. Then there’s Land of the Hive for which I was challenged to mix steampunk with a world of insects, the result being what I call “bee-punk”. Other books of mine involve other mixes of Sfi-Fi, Fantasy, and others. Let other people write the pure genres, I love mixing it up.

The following is a listing of my current works.

*= indicates currently available as self-published ebook format through Amazon and my website .

Maldene Series:
*Maldene: 330,410
*Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde- 374,900
Maldene III: Ascension- 272,227
Maldene IV: Quest For The Valley Of Never- 395,149
Maldene V: Prelude To War- 379,302
Maldene VI: The Great War- 508,766
Maldene VII: Destiny's Wake- 368,680
Maldene VIII: The Night Of Thunder- 361,097
Maldene IX: Heritage- 378,351
Maldene X: The Chaos Wars- 384,986
Maldene XI: The Hand Of Fate- 366,599
Maldene XII: The Search For Order- 411,359
Maldene XIII: The Final Chapter- 575,067
Series Total: 5,106,893

Maldene Prequels:
Maldene Origins I: Genesis- 390,651
Maldene Origins II: The Struggle For Supremacy- 294,590
Series Total: 685,241

The Inspector Flaatphut Series:
*Project Looking Glass- 10,750
*The U.M.I. Corp Connection- 63,826
California Caper- 101,339
The Insider- Straight- 71,053
Wedding Day Romp- 79,020
Operation Honeymoon- 109,989
Series Total: 453,977

Cyberdawn Series:
*Cyberdawn: Beginnings- 275,813
Cyberdawn: Crusade; The Second Cyberdawn Novel- 326,574
Cyberdawn: Cyberdawn Rising; The Third Cyberdawn Novel- 320,838
Cyberdawn: Fingers Of The Night; The Fourth Cyberdawn Novel- 292,908
Cyberdawn: Cyberwar; The Fifth Cyberdawn Novel- 354,493
Series Total: 1,570,626

Land Of The Hive Series:
Land Of The Hive: Journey Of The Queen- 116,088
Land Of The Hive: The Lost City- 155,792
Land Of The Hive: Golden Rescue- 124,620
The History Of The Knights Hornet- 82,413
Land Of The Hive: War Of The Lands- 170,174
Land Of The Hive: The True Enemy- 123,316
Land Of The Hive: Return Of The Queen- 181,471
Land Of The Hive: The Swarm Lord- 158,549
Series Total: 1,112,423

Londinium Explorer’s Club Series (written in conjunction with the GT5):
Annals of The Londinium Explorer’s Club, Volume One: Journal of Peculiar Oddities- 146,418
Annals of The Londinium Explorer’s Club, Volume Two: Almanac of Felonious Affairs- 165,992
Annals of The Londinium Explorer’s Club, Volume Three: Compendium of Fateful Antiquities - 124,182
Night Of The Skulls- 124,937
Series Total: 561,529

Jäl-Calüd Fantasy Role Playing Game System books:
The Complete Jäl-Calüd: A Complete Fantasy Role Playing Game System- 100,203
The Sal-Soodra Book of Spells And Psionic Disciplines- 249,239
The Creature Archives: Monsters, Deities, And Other Planes- 315,788
The Jäl-Calüd Alchemist’s Handbook: 142,627
The Jäl-Calüd Campaign & Technology Supplement- 143,889
The Jäl-Calüd Weapons & Armor Reference- 21,532
Jäl-Calüd: Supers And Other Gaming Genre- 38,082
Subtotal: 1,011,360

Other Stories:
New Year’s Resolution- 2066
The Man In The Red Suit- 1957
Ballad Of The East Wind (poem)- 688
The Hike Up Haunted Hill (poem)- 802
The Mountain Of The Four Winds And The valley Of Never- 460
The Wall Of Hate- 269
Legend Of The Necrophone (written by TJ Sally but heavily edited by myself)- 8,603
In Salute To A Friend (poem dedicated to TJ Sally)- 167
Twenty-Five Years Of Parkinson’s (dedicated to my Dad)- 8,435
Maldene World Book- 52,986
Subtotal: 76,433

Grand Total Word Count For All Novels: 10,016,95360

And now I've been getting into scripts. Did one for a project for someone and you know what I found out? Compared to writing a 575,000 word novel, scripting is pretty easy and quick. Just a matter of formatting, but the storytelling art is all the same.


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